Thursday, August 23, 2007


It’s the killer of all things great and yet I’m sadly addicted.

I can smell it before it comes and I run to meet it half way… anything to keep me from doing that which is meant to be… that which I ought to be doing…. that which is expected of me…. that which cannot hold me bound….I’ve often thought I could be “ someone” if I was not so overcome by distraction, if I could somehow block it out and live in a more focussed way, concentrating on all that which is meant to ensure that I “ progress” or evolve for want of a better word rather than stagnate and yet somehow that little voice keeps asking why?

The answers and explanations are plentiful, yet they still leave me unfulfilled. Perhaps that’s the way it’s meant to be for those such as me.


At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have made distraction mainstream's not too bad :)


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