Thursday, November 09, 2006

Doing the best I can..

Where do I even start …I’ve resisted thus far not to post on this topic for in truth raising kids is bewildering to say the least.Your ideals and the advice you get fly out the window and real life experience and situations begin to guide and dictate...
Everychild is different how then can one stick by rules… so you break them and re- invent them but in short you do what it takes and more especially you do what you consider to be the best that you can do. And just when you think you have something figured out and want to put pen to paper you’re caught out by further surprises which no doubt are fuelled by the constant fluctuating levels of hormones prevalent in teenagers.. So everyday is a different day, some moments priceless and some bloodcurdling. My boy can be a saint today and the devil the next ..and somehow I seem to match his sentiments as I’m only human and lack the strength not to retaliate accordingly.
His world is only great if it revolves around him all the time and we all know living under those pretexts sooner or later the bubble is bound to burst failing that he finds himself living in a very, very insular world. Not cool at all..
But like most other people we have picture perfect family days when we’re all feeling warm , fuzzy and affectionate and extremely happy to have each other and just to be alive and then there are some days when we put the Adams Family to shame. .. its part of life…. taking the good and the bad, adjusting , learning to accept that perfection although possible at times is firstly susceptible to change itself and secondly hardly ever sustainable for long periods of time..
Right now my boy’s in that body beauty/ vanity is my name / I’m in love phase …not only with himself but with a nice young girl who seems equally smitten….I’m trying hard to refrain from any undue cynicism and to let things be, whilst ensuring that he does not get too fixated either ..
Its a balancing act and I’m often heavily slandered for my role as “chief balancier” ( its a title I’ve not only made up but bestowed upon myself too .. The queen I’m told is far too busy to worry about titles for us homely housewife types who none the less….. perform unnoticed small miracles from time to time. (Tut tut tut.)….
Anyway I’m also told that slander in any form be it…rudeness, harsh words , rebuffs , silent treatment , banging of car doors, wearing faces that look like the world has ended or the constant use of the word “whatever”…..from your teenage kids is their way of saying “I can’t see the validity of your point right now as it truly sucks and is most unsuitable to my current lifestyle but I’m sure its coming from someplace good therefore I should love you for it”

So for now I’ll take what I can get and any love is good love.. (as the song goes)…
And besides…
If most of everything comes packaged differently these days… why not love huh? :)


At 10:13 PM, Blogger iamnasra said...

this how my mother feels with us

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its been awhile no new of u hope all is well


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Misreflection said...

Hi Nasra,
A bit preoccupied but Ok thanks.
Glad to know inspite of the harshness, treachery and cruelty we face there are those that care such as yourself for relative strangers such as me.Indeed you're a fine example of how to make this world a smaller place.


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