Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Grappling in a world full of maybes and perhaps. Just seems so defeatist accepting either. I prefer .. IT IS.
But I guess hope lives between maybe and perhaps.. and if I believe in hope then I have no choice but to live with maybes and perhaps.( tossing hair back and in melodramatic style ) So be it then !!! BUT ( I love buts).. yeah all kinds in case you're wondering.... ;-p I'll live with IT IS keeping perhaps and maybe at arms length, just in case and of course in moments when back up is required.
I suppose its called having your cake and eating it too.. I've never quite understood why we use that expression , because really what's the use of having cake when you can't eat it rite.

ps: if you can understand any of the above then you and I are on the same page today .. let's hope we do move on though. ;-)


At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made me smile...and I totally got it...but the way I see things, sometimes it's good to have the whole spectrum of perhaps, maybe, it is, it will, it was, if only, if I could, if they would, etc etc...

Makes life less predictable..and supposedly more fun...

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Misreflection said...

Its good to have you smile. I agree with you too the spice of life is its unpredictability.
Its just the excessive use of maybe's and perhaps that gets my goat and my post is a reflection of my own insecurities when it comes to certain aspects of my life in which the maybe's and perhaps are used as scapegoats much too often.

At 5:03 AM, Blogger RamaDrama said...

Rule 1: I hate Maybe's and perhaps.

Rule 2: Only I am allowed to use those.

Now..the world is at peace..

:)Keep churning more of these!

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Misreflection said...

you fantasying despot you!!!!
keep the peace man.:-)


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